There are numerous situations that can occur in a person's life. Situations that others will never go through. Things that other people will never understand. Things that people can't relate to. But, those people who don't understand, who can't relate, who have no idea what it's like, amazingly enough they seem to think that they have the right to pass judgement.
If you are a person who has gone through any of these situations and you are sitting beside a person who hasn't and are listening to them pass judgement or make comments, it's very hard to keep quiet. It's very hard to explain what that person is going through, what they are thinking, why they do what they do.
People who have severe migraines, who really have severe migraines, can definately relate to others in the same situation. The sensitivity to light, that if light gets through and you see it you just want to vomit every where. The sensitivity to sound, and every noise is so loud that it makes your brain rattle. Even if there is no sound, your ears are thumping on their own anyway. You get so hot it's like you are spiking a fever. It feels like instant death. But if you have grown up with migraines you have learned how to deal with them and how you need to deal with them right away. And if you need to, you know how to keep functioning if possible with them.
But what's more frustrating than anything is hearing others saying that they've had a horrible headache and still drove to work. I'm sorry, but a HORRIBLE headache, is not a MIGRAINE. A mirgraine is pulling over every 3 or 4 minutes to vomit.
People who have a weight problem and have been battling it all their lives have to deal with people who think that all they have to do is not eat as much and exercise. Maybe for some people it's that easy. For other's it's not. But you try and get that through to someone who doesn't understand how this can be a real issue. Food can have to do with mental issues, family problems, abuse. There can be alot behind it. But some people can be so simple minded. It can be so frustrating to deal with them. Losing weight requires a lot of work, a lot of patience, not just from yourself, but from your family and your support system. Yeah, you need a support system. You need money to buy healthier food, and whoever tells you that losing weight isn't expensive is full of crap!
People who have been in abusive relationships. These relationships come in many many forms. And all sorts of relationships can be abusive. Family relationships, friendships and your relationship with your spouse. It can be mental, emotional or physical. And those who haven't been in such situations think why did they stay, why didn't they just leave right away? Ummm, because they were scared? They were emotional beaten down? They had no where to go? Do I need to continue? Some people never get out. They suffer forever. That's what their kids learn. Some end up in shelters, some die. Others get out eventually but only after years of waiting for the perfect moment. But it's never okay to judge.
Okay, I think I said my peace.
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