It's so dang frustrating. Everyday, the same thing. People are shocked that there is sun, in the sky. Say it ain't so! Yes people, we have to drive into the sun. I know, it sucks. But if you are going to drive during the day time hours please buy some sunglasses. Maybe, just maybe there won't be so much traffic. So many people jamming on their breaks. Slowing down because they can't see. I believe this is why the cars came with visors. It's absolutely ridiculous. Alaska gives residents $1,000.00 every year, Conneticut should give residents a pair of sunglasses!
Not to mention when it rains people act like the flood gates have opened and they don't remember that water does move when you drive. Oh no, what if I get stuck! It's water, your car won't melt. You have wind shield wipers so it won't t stay on your window, you can still see out. And if you can't drive in rain, hand over your license. You don't need to drive 5 miles per hour. Caution is good, but driving so you aren't getting passed by someone on a skateboard is safer. If it's raining in the summer, I'm pretty sure black ice isn't gonna be an issue. If it's sprinkling and you are nervous, pull over and slap yourself.
Oh and don't get me started on people who drive in snow! Or don't drive in snow I should say. It's snow. I understand driving very slow if it's a blizzard and you can't see. I don't understand people who live in CT and drive sports cars in the winter. I'm sorry, but you deserve to be stuck on the side of the road. Get 4 wheel drive or stay home. Don't get the rest of us stuck or hurt. And for those of us who live in the valley, they should give us credit towards buying SUV's. Living in the valley means we drive up AND down hills to work AND home from work. There is no, well I drove up hill to get here so at least it's all down hill going home. LOL. That would be nice. It's also means when all this crap melts, only the people with the SUV's are getting through most streets.
The moral of the rant is, you live in CT. The weather is the weather. The crappy drivers are the crappy drivers. The horrible streets haven't changed and the sun is always gonna be there. We have highways with names like the Mixmaster and pot holes that hide cars. So buy sunglasses, get 4 wheel drive and learn how to freaking drive or stay the hell out of my way!
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