Yesterday, I got a call back from my doctor about some test results. The results were pretty good, but not wonderful. So I will need to go back in 6 months. I really had doctors! So that put me in a pretty bad mood for some reason. And as the day went on I started to develop a horrible migraine! I made it as long as I possibly could at work, but eventually I had to head home. I have an hour commute and it seems like an eternity especially with a horrible migraine. I luckily made it home without incident. But when I got home, everything I ate came up! So gross :( Then I went and fell asleep. Mike woke me up when it was time to head to the baseball game. My employer bought every employee 2 tickets to the Rockcats last night and I paid for Victoria to come with us. It was her first Rockcats game. After I woke up I had to take tons of drugs to make the headache go away. And I wasn't going to stay home when she was so excited. The traffic was horrible! But we made it for the start of the game. Victoria got a free Rockcats ball and she had all the mascots sign it!
Victoria getting her ball signed by Rookie
Then of course we took her in the store and let her pick out a claw! The boys have red ones. Later she ended up going back around and having all the mascots sign the claw too!
Victoria and her new CLAW!!!
Mike kept track of the scoring and gave it to Victoria after with her ticket stub and the program since it was her first game! And who knows, but some of these guys might get famous and she can show she was at their game thanks to Mike! They ended up losing 6-0 :( But it was a great night, wonderful weather and we had fun. Getting out of the parking lot was so easy. Thank goodness! She can't wait to go to her next game!
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