It should be called All Day, Everyday sickness. Because that's what I got! And on top of it, the feeling of my skin crawling isn't fun. The doctor is putting me back on Wellbutrin to help with that. She said it's a Category B drug so I will be ok. I know I need something. Now that I've been on it for 4 days, it's starting to kick in. Until now, all I could do was go in the pool to help it, but then the anxiety of just getting out what getting to be too much. I haven't actually thrown up in a few days so that is a plus! The new anti-puking pill they wanted to give me was $200! Umm no thank you, I'll puke for $200. I'm trying to actually work 8 hour days this week. I'm about to hit the half way point today, and I have a feeling the second half isn't going to be so easy!!!!
Saturday was my Bridal Shower. Thank you to those who came. I had a good time. I spent almost the whole time in Jen's pool. She made me get out to cut the cake, but then I was right back in. And then I had to get out again to open presents. And then back in I went. People delivered pickles to me pool side! I only ate pickles and cake. YUMMY! And I got more water in that day than I have in a long time.
I was so exhausted from Saturday. I don't know how though since I woke up at 8:30 and then took a nap from 10 til 1:30. Then I took a shower and then went back to sleep from 2 til 3:30 when I had to leave for Jen's. As soon as I got home I was ready for bed again. I fell asleep at 10! I'm so lazy and tired all the time. So Sunday I didn't do nothing! Watched a disc of Sopranos with Mike, half way through the 3rd episode, I had to take a nap. 3 hours later we finished the DVD. When I need to sleep I need to sleep!!!
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