Saturday, October 29, 2011

First snow triggering my OCD

Depending on how well you know me makes a big difference on how much you know about my OCD. Or knowing exactly how it effects me and just how bad it could be. I suppose that I've always had some level of OCD but I know that after my accident in 2005 my OCD hit a whole new level. So did my depression and anxiety attacks. That is when I really started with the medications. And as time went on over the next year or two, everything just got progressively worse. My medications kept getting upped and some new ones added. They even had me on medication that would help with my OCD. But it never went away, just became manageable for the most part.

When we started trying to get pregnant I came off ALL my medications. And I did it very quickly. Because I came off so quickly I ended up going through a horrible detox. The headaches were unbelievable, I was exhausted and was constantly vomiting. It was not fun. But I was proud of myself for getting through it. I was worried about how I would do with my anxiety, depression, headaches and OCD.

Shortly after I found out I was pregnant I was extremely anxious and always felt like my skin was crawling. The OB said I could go back on my Wellbutrin. My doctor agreed to put me on a very low dose. Within a few days my anxiety was 100% better.

Over the last few months I had and have the migraines but there isn't much I can do about it. I have a few bad days here and there with my depression. The anxiety is pretty good but the OCD is a bitch.

For the most part I need to just stay away from certain situations if I know it will be triggered.

So that brings us to this evening. It's been snowing all day. Which doesn't really bother me because weekends are my time to sleep and watch my DVR. I record all the A Baby Story episodes. I've seen atleast 100 and still not one repeat. Well a couple of times today the power has gone off and come right back on. Unfortunately the last time it did that the box started only working for 2 minutes at a time. Finally Mike called Comcast. Looks like the power outages blew the DVR. The one with 40 episodes of A Baby Story that I needed to watch. It couldn't have been the DVR in the living room that has almost nothing on it...NO of course not. So now Mike has to go Monday to get a new box.

And yes, it is kicking my OCD into over drive that I may now never see those episodes. For some reason it's making me nuts.

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