Tuesday, June 28, 2011

For the love of Baseball

"Say this much for baseball - it is beyond question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America." ~ Bruce Catton

"All I want out of life is that when I walk down the street, people will say "There goes the greatest hitter who every lived ."" ~ Ted Williams

"Every big-leaguer and his wife should teach their children to pray: 'God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, and God bless Babe Ruth.' " ~ Yankees Pitcher Waite Hoyt

"If they came to Josh Gibson today and he was 17 years old, they would have a blank spot on the contract and they'd say, 'Fill the amount in.' That's how good Josh Gibson was."  ~ Junior Gilliam

"I want to be remembered as a ballplayer who gave all he had to give." ~ Roberto Clemente

"Son, I won more games than you'll ever see." ~ Cy Young

"The way I figured it, I was even with baseball and baseball was even with me. The game had done much for me, and I had done much for it." ~ Jackie Robinson

"I never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes." ~ Leo Durocher

"Show me a good loser, and I'll show you an idiot." ~ Leo Durocher

"You don't save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it might rain." ~ Leo Durocher

"I believe in rules. I also believe I have a right to test the rules by seeing how far they can be bent." ~ Leo Durocher

"Next to Joe DiMaggio, Foxx was the greatest player I ever saw. When Foxx hit a ball, it sounded like gunfire." ~ Ted Williams

"Every great batter works on the theory that the pitcher is more afraid of him than he is of the pitcher." ~ Ty Cobb

"Any ballplayer that don't sign autographs for little kids ain't an American." ~ Rogers Hornsby

"Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game." ~ Jacques Barzun

"He seemed to be doing everything wrong, yet everything came out right. He stopped everything behind the plate and hit everything in front of it." ~ Mel Ott

"When I get through managing, I'm going to open a kindergarten." ~ Yankees Manager Billy Martin

"Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing." ~ Warren Spahn

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